Dear colleague,
Welcome to the Congress New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, organized for the thirteenth consecutive year by AIDFM with the scientific coordination of the Department of Heart and Vessels of CHULN-CAML. After two online editions due to the pandemic, it is with great pleasure that we welcome you personally, in what we hope will be the resumption of in person meetings between professionals, to discuss matters of common interest for their daily clinical practice.
This Congress aims, first and foremost, to promote open discussion on new frontiers in what has been a fascinating evolution in the field of cardiovascular diagnosis and therapy. A large number of national and foreign experts will participate in it, providing an excellent opportunity for postgraduate training in the field of Cardiovascular Medicine.
As a result of the significant growth seen in previous editions, we will resume the format of two rooms for simultaneous plenary sessions. Attendees can move freely between both plenary rooms.
Being a meeting primarily intended for health professionals who deal daily and more intensely with cardiovascular problems, it is intended, however, to extend its scope to professionals whose area of intervention necessarily covers cardiovascular diseases, such as internists, intensivists, surgeons, family doctors, nurses and technicians.
We count on your active participation to help create a dynamic environment for interaction and exchange of experiences. At the same time, this is also an opportunity to show a little about some of the multiple research projects and through interaction with colleagues from other centers, we can launch new ideas.
We are confident that this meeting represents a meeting point for colleagues who share the same problems and concerns, taking advantage of the surroundings of this region for moments of reflection in an environment conducive to this. Welcome, then, and enjoy these days in our company!!!
Scientific Committee of the 15th Congress New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine